Prior Proper Planning
Planning Philosophy
- Correct amount of insurance to protect your family's lifestyle.
- 3-6 months of cash in emergency funds and no credit card debt.
Target 20%+ savings of income (prioritize retirement funding before college funding).
- Maximize all free money - 401(k) matching, etc.
- Utilize tax favored vehicles to pay the minimum amount of tax.
- Evaluate paying off bad debt.
Construct a portfolio for risk-adjusted rates of return and to AVOID MARKET TIMING.
- Tactical asset allocation - modern portfolio theory (i.e., risk & reward).
- Goals based asset allocation - match time frames of investments and goals.
- Tax location - strategic location of asset classes for tax efficiency and creative uses of tax favorable vehicles.
Retirement distributions are designed to be:
- Sustainable throughout retirement - typically beginning at a withdrawal rate at or below 4% for a 25-year retirement.
- Tax bracket sensitive - use IRA distributions and/or conversions to fill up bottom tax brackets.
- Multi-dimensional - taking into account Social Security, investments, Medicare, Required Minimum Distributions, annuities, insurance, etc.
- Hedged for longevity - taking into account long-term care and other risks associated with living a long life.
Our happiest clients live for a purpose bigger than themselves.
- Define what matters and be strategic on who/what receives your money. In the end, you can't take it with you, and it either goes to family, charity, lawyers, or the government.
- Don't wait till the end to invest in relationships and be charitable with your time and money.

Investment Philosophy
Goals Based
- Any money needed for shorter term goals needs to be safe, secure, and relatively liquid (Cash & Cash Alternatives).
- Money that has a 5-10 year time horizon or longer should be in equities.
- We use goals to decide our allocation rather than market timing.
- We will use different asset classes (Large Cap, Mid Cap, Small Cap, International, Alternatives, etc.)
- Our team may tilt up or tilt down these asset classes as our research dictates.
- Depending on the portfolio size, we will use a combination of mutual funds, ETF's, and individual stocks/bonds.
- Our team may tilt up or down (overweight or underweight) certain asset classes as our research dictates.
Tax Efficient
- Asset location strategy which places tax inefficient vehicles in tax deferred accounts and low tax investments in taxable accounts.
- Tax loss harvesting allows for tax losses to be locked in for future use while still keeping market exposure for future upside.
- Charitable giving strategies are great for the world, and when designed properly, they can also be good for your taxes on your portfolio.
- Estate tax minimization means your family keeps more of the wealth you've built.