Get to know my dedicated team
Joseph Fanara will be your ongoing point of contact for all questions you have about Northwestern Mutual. Any time you have questions or have life changes, feel free to contact Joe to set up a meeting. When an application has been submitted there may be additional questions that need to be addressed for underwriting purposes. During those times, Carley Rapp or Jan Perry will contact you via email to get your responses to underwriting questions. Beyond the underwriting process, please contact Joe for any additional questions or client service you need.

Network of Specialists
Through Northwestern Mutual, I have access to a Network of Specialists. We help each other, share ideas and common values, and leverage each other's talents to help you achieve your personal dream of financial security.

Steven L Penn
Disability Income Specialist
To help you gain clarity in your life's purpose. Our process focuses on synchronizing with your existing team of advisors in a collaborative environment. By leveraging our collective experience and knowledge, we'll develop an actionable financial plan to guide you to achieve your goals.