Life Insurance Guide
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You've worked hard to build a life you enjoy with the people you love. Now it's time to protect it all. And you won't have to wonder what type or how much life insurance you need—working with your advisor will make it easy.
Get insuranceYour situation and goals are different from everyone else's, so our policies are designed differently, too. Depending on your needs, our life insurance can simply be a safety net to protect your loved ones from the unexpected. Or it can also be the foundation of a smart financial plan giving you more flexibility for important things, like paying for college, growing your business, or having more income in retirement.
Your Northwestern Mutual advisor can help you choose what's right for you. They'll consider your goals, priorities, and what you can spend. So you'll only get the coverage you need, and nothing you don't.
Get startedLife insurance is simple. You make payments (your premium) to us. When you pass away, we pay a set amount of money, (generally tax-free) to the people or institutions you choose (your beneficiaries). It can be your loved ones, your favorite charities, or other non-profits.
Life insurance will help your loved ones cover expenses like a mortgage, debts, your kids' tuition, and even replace lost income when you're no longer here. Depending on the type you get, it can also be the foundation for a sound financial plan and help with expenses during your life.
Your life insurance offered through an employer might not give you the coverage you might need, and the rates could go up year after year, costing you more over time. Plus, if you ever leave your job, you can't take that coverage with you.
You may be eligible for our exclusive underwriting process. Using the power of data, we can make decisions faster. And we might not need detailed medical records. So, you can get your life insurance application approved as soon as the same day.1
Many factors can affect the cost of your policy. That's why your advisor works closely with you. They'll ask deeper questions to understand your situation, needs, and budget. Then, recommend the best solutions for you. In general, what you pay each month (or year) depends on things like the type and amount of life insurance you get, your age, health, and if you add riders.
Connect with an advisorBe protected your entire life2 and accumulate cash value that's guaranteed to grow year over year—no matter which way the markets go. Use the money for anything you need. You can help pay for your kids' college, upgrade your home, expand your business, or have more retirement income.3
Get lifelong coverage2 that gives you more flexibility now and down the road. You can change your payment amount (premiums) and schedule4 to fit your life and budget, while still enjoying benefits that you can use throughout your life.
You'll be protected throughout your life.2 Plus, you get to choose how you want your policy's cash value to be invested in the markets.5 This way, you can have the potential to increase its growth over time.
This is your simplest way to get started. You'll be covered for a set amount of time, like 10, 15, or 20 years. Once that term ends, so does your policy. But if your needs change along the way, you could have an opportunity to convert to lifelong coverage.
No. 1 ranked insurance company for consumer experience
Best life insurance company for consumer experience, 20237
A++ financial strength rating
AAA, Aaa, and AA+—we've earned the highest financial strength ratings awarded to life insurers from all four major rating agencies.8
$8.2B in dividends expected to be paid in 2025
in dividends expected to be paid in 20256
Your advisor will ask deeper questions to help find the right type, and amount, of life insurance for your goals and budget.
It's easy to get started—no commitment, just a better conversation.