While trendy benefits like nap rooms and pet health insurance make headlines, they don't show up where it really matters — at the top of employees’ lists of the most important benefits.
In a 2016 benefits study by the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI), employees rated what they considered to be the most important benefits. While you might consider these perks to be stale ‘meat and potatoes’ offerings in comparison to free dry cleaning or pet day care, they’re the ones that make a real difference in workers’ lives. After all, having a ping pong table in the office won’t help you pay for your hip replacement surgery or cover your bills while you recover.
Here’s what topped the list:
Having a ping pong table in the office won’t help you pay for your hip replacement surgery or cover your bills while you recover.
It's not surprising that this ranked so high on the list. In EBRI’s study, 88 percent of employees said that health insurance is extremely important. With the growing cost of healthcare, people see good health coverage as a reason for loyalty. Want to give them exactly what they want? The study found that many employees would prefer flexibility around what type of coverage they get, with 80 percent preferring a choice of health plans.
Traditional pensions may be going the way of the VHS, but more than half of workers would like them. And nearly three quarters want some other kind of retirement account like a 401(k). Basically, your workers want to know that you’re looking out for their future.
If your kid has ever needed braces or specialty glasses, you can empathize with the 72 percent of workers who believe vision and dental coverage are critical. If you offer these benefits, your employees will be grateful to work for you every time they get a toothache.
Fifty-two percent of workers say having life insurance is a must. No one wants to think about the prospect of needing life insurance, but this benefit can take one worry off your employees’ plates, knowing their families would be taken care of should something happen to them.
The financial pressure of taking an unpaid sick leave can greatly impact your workers’ lives and their recoveries. Fifty-two percent of workers said disability insurance was critical.
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